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Business Sustainability

Supporting Medium-Sized Enterprises on Their Path Towards Sustainability and Cultivating Collaboration in the ESG Community

In our Investing in Sustainability program, we help hesitant smaller, medium-sized companies navigate through ESG issues and motivate them to take first or more steps towards a more sustainable business. At the same time, we cultivate a collaborative environment of non-profit, businesses and other ESG initiatives that assist companies in their transformation. 

Síť propojených bublin
Síť propojených bublin

More and more Czech companies care about the sustainability of their business. Some find it easier to implement the necessary measures, others are facing a more challenging path. Our program networking experts from non-profits and business looks for ways to help the transformation, especially of medium-sized Czech companies.

Businesses, governments, financiers, customers and employees are gradually moving towards carbon neutrality and a socially responsible economy. Growing demand, new regulations and economic and technological opportunities motivate businesses to adopt more sustainable solutions.

Environmental, social and ethical sustainability presents indeed both a huge opportunity, but also a growing risk for those who fail to transform or fail to do so in time. These companies cannot be left behind. It is in the interest of all of us that the largest possible part of the Czech economy is able to cope with this transformation.

That's why at Glopolis we create the environment for companies' journey towards sustainable business.

Our Aims

Our Products, Services and Activities

1) Website www.udrzitelne-podnikani.cz with an introduction to ESG, inspiring examples of good practice and an overview of consultancy and other support services and products

2) Diagnostic Tool helping companies identify where they are on their ESG integration journey and what the next steps might be

3) Ecosystem Consultations - we offer tailored recommendations outlining for those interested in ESG their path to greater sustainability and its benefits

4) Roundtables - expert debates on specific topics and the opportunity for informal, in person meetings amongs various members of ESG community

5) ESG Community Development - exchanging plans esp. among ESG non-profit initiatives to support synergies and address blind spots in the ecosystem

If you are interested in our services and would like to learn more, please contact Valérie Čížková at vcizkova@glopolis.org.


Funding is provided through a partnership with the RSJ Investment Group.

As part of the program, we organized 4 round tables, the main outputs of which are recorded in the minutes (only in Czech):


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Síť propojených bublin


Ivan Lukáš pro Odpadové fórum: ESG není prioritně jen firemní téma, těžit z něj mohou i municipality

10. 02. 2023

V únorovém vydání měsíčníku Odpadové fórum, který se věnuje problematice cirkulární ekonomiky a v návaznosti na ni i tématu ESG, vyšel rozhovor s ambasadorem ESG v Glopolis, Ivanem Lukášem. Rozhovor se zaměřil na vymezení pojmu ESG a vysvětlení, co tato zkratka znamená nejen pro firmy, ale i pro municipality.

Ivan Lukáš pro Facility Management Journal: ESG je obchodní příležitost, ne hrozba

30. 01. 2023

Ivan Lukáš, ESG Ambassador v Glopolis napsal pro Facility Management Journal článek, ve kterém vysvětluje, proč ESG nepředstavuje pro sektor Facility management hrozbu, ale obchodní příležitost.


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