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Collaboration of Stakeholders

Supporting CSO Networks to Collaborate with Divergent Stakeholders

In the Stronger Roots program, we provide small grants, consultancy and peer learning to platforms, coalitions and other networks of CSOs in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. It allows them to build relationships and develop collaboration to address important systemic issues with state administration, businesses and other key stakeholders in a given environment. with whom they have so far had little or no interaction

Stronger Roots Síť propojených bublin
Síť propojených bublin

We increase the resilience of civil society organizations and their networks, strengthen their social capital and embed them in the communities and societies in which they operate.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a number of key roles in society and stimulate people's active participation in public life. At the same time, they themselves need public support to maintain legitimacy, financial stability and to be effective in their work. Stronger ties between CSOs and the people around them are essential, especially at a time when in Central Europe the CSOs face repeated attempts to delegitimize their work and limit the space in which they operate.

The more diverse the opinions, experiences and worldviews that CSOs represent, the more resilient they also become, while at the same time bringing together groups in society that are at odds and distrust each other. For these reasons, the Stronger Roots Program was created.

We Support

Since 2019, we have been developing the concept of transversal collaboration, which we then help networks of CSOs to put into practice. Networks systematically establish contacts and develop collaboration with social groups with which they previously had little or no collaboration. These can be CSOs with different ideological worldviews or from more distant geographical locations, or private businesses, state institutions and local governments.

As a result, networks have become stronger. Their relationships as well as their internal functioning and competences improve. Networks undergo a certain self-reflection. But most importantly, new or more effective solutions to societal challenges put forward by networks and their partners are generated thanks to the collaboration that is initiated.

How We Work

We provide a combination of financial, expert and peer support to CSOs and their networks.

Based on the experience of the program, we developed a guide on How to Engage with Divergent Stakeholders. It contains mainly practical tips and recommendations, but also a theoretical perspective on engagement with divergent stakeholders towards collaboration.

Results of the Program's First Cycle (2019-2022)

Program in numbers

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Petr Lebeda

Director (Statutory Representative)


Jitka Hausenblasová

Program Manager (Stronger Roots), Safeguarding Focal Point


Petr Bartoň

Koordinátor vzdělávání a komunikace (Stronger Roots)



Realizováno díky podpoře

Síť propojených bublin


Výběrové řízení: Koordinátor*ka vzdělávání a komunikace

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The Green Business

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31. 01. 2025

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