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We are opening Stronger Roots Academy - practical webinars for NGO networks!

The Green Business

Are you interested in topics related to the inner functioning of networks? Would you like to get better at engaging with different types of stakeholders? As part of the Stronger Roots Program, we have prepared live online workshops for you. In addition to tailor-made topics for NGO networks, webinars are designed to be as interactive and practical as possible.

The workshops are intended for all those involved in the coordination and operation of platforms, coalitions, umbrella organizations and other networks of NGOs, as well as for representatives from their member organizations. Thanks to the setup of the Stronger Roots program, participation in the webinars is free of charge. Register now!

Please note that the webinars will be held in English.

Network Development: How to Evaluate Internal Functioning of Networks?

WHEN: 16. October 2024 from 13:00 to 16:00

"How vibrant and interconnected is our network? What functions does it actually have and what stage is it in? Do we need more static or dynamic evaluation? How to set goals and processes for internal network development?" If you are dealing with similar questions, this workshop is for you! It will provide an overview of basic approaches to network evaluation and an opportunity to identify key challenges for different types of networks. In the form of short presentations and interactive parts, it will also offer network leaders, coordinators or secretariats specific methods for evaluation and a space for exchange of experiences among participants/networks. The webinar will be conducted by Petr Lebeda, who has after 20 years handed over the management of Glopolis and is currently a freelance analyst, facilitator, consultant and lecurer of the strategic development of networks and ecosystems

Networks for Impact: How to Effectively Engage Member Organisations in Strategic Planning?

WHEN: 6. November 2024 from 13:00 to 16:00

Are you involved in the coordination of a network of organisations? Do you perceive that a different approach and mindset is needed than in managing an individual organisation? Are you curious how to engage members to create and deliver shared ambitionswithout setting the vision and strategy for members? How can you, as a network, build a culture based on trust that motivates members to actively engage, while developing strong management skills to ensure accountability and alignment of shared goals? How do you maintain and develop diverse relationships across the network without losing focus on impact? These questions are central to the successful functioning of platfotrms, umbrelas and other networks of organisations.In our online workshop, we will explore them together, share our experiences and offer a theoretical framework and practical tips to help you better manage your role. Join us and expand your skills in engaging members in strategic planning!
The webinar will be conducted by Jana Miléřová, who leads the Glopolis team and coordinates the NeoN network, has 20 years of experience in advocacy and networking for NGOs, and is herself a perpetual student of how to be a "leading servant" for networks and how to build collective impact.

Finding Synergy with Stakeholders: How to Build Bridges for Successful Communication?

WHEN: 4. December 2024 from 9:00 to 12:00

Join us for a stakeholder management focused webinar designed specifically for NGOs, where we delve into the essentials of stakeholder communication and strategy planning. This session will guide you through identifying and prioritizing key stakeholders, understanding their needs, and crafting tailored messages that resonate. You'll learn how to set clear communication objectives using SMART method, choose the right channels, and develop a comprehensive, step-by-step communication plan using real NGO success stories. Webinar will be conducted by Filip Hubáček, strategic communications consultant with media, corporate and public sector expertise, currently based in Sydney, Australia.

The webinars are part of the Stronger Roots Program, which is funded by EU/CERV and which we make happen together with OSF Prague, the Open Society Foundation Bratislava and the Hungarian NIOK Foundation. In the program, we support networks of NGOs to strengthen cooperation within the network with their members and cooperation externally, especially with public institutions. More about the Stronger Roots Program here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Petr Bartoň

Koordinátor vzdělávání a komunikace (Stronger Roots)
