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Civic Space Report 2023: Czech Republic

A report by the European Citizens' Forum (ECF) highlights the alarming violations of democratic conditions and the biggest challenges facing civil society in Europe over the past year. The Czech Republic is not doing badly compared to selected countries such as Hungary or Greece, but it still has room for improvement in the areas of involving NGOs in public policy and cooperation with the state administration, helping NGOs cope with record inflation rates, the impossibility of long-term funding and the lack of digitisation.

Civil society is under pressure across the EU and in some Member States the situation is alarming. This is the conclusion of the report The Struggle to Strengthen Democracy and Resilience. At the same time, the report's authors say civil society remains a key underpinning of democracy and the rule of law in Europe.

The situation in the Czech Republic

Among other things, the report highlights the strength and solidarity of Czech civil society in dealing with the consequences of the Russian aggression in Ukraine and in helping people on the run. On the other hand, NGOs are being hit by record inflation rates, which, combined with long-standing problems with the funding system, mean a lack of resources for their activities and for digitalisation.

The report also looks at the opportunities for NGOs to participate in the co-design of public policies and the extent of their cooperation with the state administration. This area is very fragmented and inconsistent in the Czech Republic. However, the report notes promising steps for improvement - mainly thanks to the adopted methodology for participation in policy-making and the functioning of advisory bodies, which should be implemented by ministries.



About the authors of the report:

The European Citizens Forum (ECF) is a pan-European network of nearly 100 associations and NGOs from 29 European countries. Its Civil Society Space Report contains information from 14 countries. It is always compiled by national NGOs and experts.

The information for the chapter on the Czech Republic was compiled by Glopolis in cooperation with the NeoN network organisations and information from Transparency International Czech Republic, Reconstruction of the State, Open Society, Green Circle, SOFA - Society for All, League of Human Rights, Proud, Migration Consortium, VIA Association and World of NGOs. NeoN connects networks of organisations that work together for democracy, the rule of law, accountable public administration, resilient civil society and sustainable development based on human rights. Glopolis is responsible for the coordination and development of NeoN.
